Paradigm Offers Unique NFT Model Called ‘GOO’

An investment firm Paradigm has proposed a new model for tokens and NFTs entitled Gradual Ownership Optimization (GOO). The purpose of the respective model is to avoid the split-up of token holders and NFT holders along with ensuring that the non-fungible token owners have control over the tokens for a considerable period.

Paradigm Proposes Gradual Ownership Optimization (GOO), an Exclusive Model for Tokens and NFTs

Paradigm is known as an investment company keen on backing the big crypto and Web3-based protocols and firms of the future. It has developed a mechanism named Gradual Ownership Optimization (GOO) to minimize the gap between those who hold crypto as well as NFT products. Art Gobblers, the impending NFT project of the firm, is responsible for creating the token named GOO.

With the increased amount of Goo tokens, the generation of additional Goo tokens can be rapidly done by a Gobbler. This indicates that the cumulative supply of GOO will witness more speed day by day, moving from thousands and touching millions and so on. GOO tokens’ hoarding without possessing any Gobbler non-fungible tokens is considered a wrong choice because GOO tokens will be generated by everyone else and the proportion of the cumulative supply of GOO tokens will immediately diminish to nothing.

On the contrary, if someone possesses several Gobblers but lesser GOO, there will be a lag in the production of GOO in comparison with the rest of the players. Each of the Art Gobbler non-fungible tokens related to an Ethereum account transfer GOO tokens into a tank linked to the respective account. The account owner can include or discard GOO tokens from the very tank whenever he likes.

GOO to Be Automatically Stabilized by Paradigm between Gobblers

The platform can automatically scale up the GOO tokens between Gobblers to facilitate the consumers just once to keep them stay balanced. Due to the quadratic inflation of GOO, its holding with that of Gobblers counts as a grave mistake, as in that case no production of GOO will be allowed and the proportion of the total supply will diminish.

The construction of the GOO was done for Art Gobblers, nonetheless, the platform is of the view that it can be applied to a broad array of non-fungible token projects as well as the on-chain games. If someone intends to release a fungible token (FT) from a non-fungible token, he may suitably choose GOO.