‘Premint’ Faces Phishing Attack, Official Twitter Account Confirms

Premint website was hacked early in the morning today by hackers who used phishing files. The details show that hackers used malicious JS files to hack the premint.xyz website. At this crucial time, experts have advised the users to not click on any link while the official Twitter account of Premint has advised moving all assets to other wallets in its tweet.

The extent of damage is not clear yet but many users have reported that their NFTs have been stolen. The website is still online and it is unclear whether the management has regained control or not.

Premint Timeline

Early in the morning, Twitter filled with warning tweets advising Premint users to not male any kind of transactions. Premint, which is an NFT services provider, has faced this type of attack for the first time. The victims reported that the hackers are asking for an ‘approval for all’. Those who approve never see their assets again as the hackers move them to unknown addresses.

Later, the project accepted the breach and issued a couple of guidelines for those users who believe their accounts have been compromised. The guidelines are given below

1.    Visit revoke.cash or etherscan.io/tokenapprovalchecker to cancel the permission.

2.    If these websites are not accessible to you then simply move your assets to some other wallet.

Attacks are on the Rise

This ongoing attack is not something new for the crypto-verse as these attacks have become very common in the last couple of months. Now NFT enthusiasts have to deal with two threats at the same time: scammers and hackers.

Less than 48 hours ago, another hacking attempt was reported which also involved the use of phishing links. Attackers embedded a phishing link in the Twitter account of popular animator DeeKay. As a result, many of his followers fell into the trap. The magnitude of the attacks was similar to this one as the total worth of lost NFTs’ was more than $150,000.

Even popular names such as OpenSea have not been spared by hackers. In Feb, $1.7 million worth of NFTs were stolen in a phishing attack.
