Chainlink Launches Serverless Platform Connecting Web3 & Web2

Chainlink, the leading blockchain-based platform for secure data and payments, has launched its new serverless platform, Chainlink Functions. This platform lets developers quickly and securely connect decentralized apps (dApps) and smart contracts to any Web2 API (Application Programming Interface). With this launch, Chainlink is further solidifying its standing as a leader in the industry for enabling developers to store, access, and deliver data and payments securely across the blockchain.

Chainlink Functions is a serverless developer platform that simplifies connecting Web3 smart contracts with Web2 APIs (data, IoT devices, systems, etc.). It enables developers to integrate data and applications into the blockchain quickly and securely. It is powered by the Chainlink network, which provides secure data delivery, payment, and verification services to blockchain applications.

Chainlink: Security and Reliability

In addition to providing users with an easy-to-use platform, Chainlink Functions offers developers unprecedented security and reliability. The underlying architecture of Chainlink’s decentralized oracle network offers a secure and tamper-proof source of truth for all data written to the blockchain. Using this network, developers can ensure that their dApps and smart contracts function correctly, even in the most challenging conditions.

Usage Rewards

To further incentivize developers to use Chainlink’s decentralized oracle network, Chainlink is offering Network Usage Rewards. These rewards get paid to developers using the Chainlink network to power their dApps and smart contracts. It not only helps to cover the cost of integrating the network but also serves as an additional incentive for developers to use Chainlink and its associated tools.

With the launch of Chainlink Functions, developers can quickly and securely connect their web3 projects to any Web 2.0 API. By leveraging the power of Chainlink’s decentralized oracle network, developers can ensure that their dApps and smart contracts are operating with the highest levels of security and reliability. Furthermore, developers who use the Chainlink network are eligible for Network Usage Rewards, which help to cover the costs associated with integrating the network and further incentivize developers to use Chainlink and its related tools.