Celsius Bankruptcy Case Trustee Rejects a $3M Employee Bonus Proposal

The Celsius Trustee has opposed the renewal incentive, alleging a lack of adequate facts in the proposal to justify such a large compensation and a misunderstanding over whether any beneficiaries could be deemed, insiders.

The Trustee Declines $ 2.96 Million Celsius Proposal for Workers

The U. S. Trustee supervising the Celsius bankruptcy chapter 11 case, William Harrington, as opposed to a Celsius proposal that would pay a $2.96 M retention incentive to 62 of the company’s 275 workers.

In its explanatory declaration for the objections submitted in October. 27, the Trustee slammed Celsius, saying that it makes no logical sense not to comply with the Bankruptcy Act and that a corporation where the bulk of its operations are no longer delivering services would suddenly propose a many-million dollar compensation program.

The Trustee Demands the demonstration of the Incentives

The Trustee contends that the lender should demonstrate that the incentives are acceptable considering the circumstances of the case in order for the “bonus petition” to be approved. Furthermore, the Trustee claims the bankrupt lender has crashed to do so since there are no traceable measures for this purpose.

Related: Judge Authorizes Celsius Strategy for Potential Sale

While the criticism does not imply that workers do not deserve a KERP, it really does suggest that the facts submitted by Celsius are inadequate to support such a large sum. KERPs are intended to encourage employees in order to achieve a successful reorganization outcome. While increasing CEO compensation in advance of a prospective reorganization may appear paradoxical, it is frequently in the best interests of stakeholders.

Unlike Celsius creditors’ private details, information about KERP beneficiaries has already been kept private, with a declassified breakdown available to only the courts, the Official Council of Unsecured Creditors, and the Trustee. The Trustee has also objected to this, stating that other relevant stakeholders are unable to dispute if the participants may be regarded as insiders, rendering them disqualified for a KERP.

Celsius Filed the Bonus Petition in October

Celsius lodged the bonus petition on October 11, with a trial upon that motion and associated relief scheduled on November 1. However, the borrower is being accused of causing financial difficulties at Bitcoin miner Core Scientific, which stated on October 19 that Celsius has declined to make its payments since filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 on July 13, leading Core Scientific to lose around $53,000 each day.