$280M Drained out of Babel Finance in Proprietary Trading

The Disturbed lender of cryptocurrency in Asia – Babel Finance (that suddenly terminated funds withdrawals by the consumers) – went through enormous losses because of the client funds-based proprietary trading, as mentioned in the restructuring proposal plan of the platform. Babel Finance’s restructuring proposal brings to the front that more than $280M worth of Ether (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC) was drained from the platform because it failed in the proprietary trading.

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Proprietary Trading of Babel Finance Hit by a Loss of up to $280M

To be more precise, it lost nearly 56,000 in ETH and 8,000 in Bitcoin during June after it experienced liquidation caused by the considerable downturn that took place within the crypto market. During the respective fluctuating week of the previous month when Bitcoin witnessed a huge decline, significant losses occurred in the unhedged positions present in the accounts specified for proprietary trading. This straightly led toward a compelling liquidation of several trading accounts along with the removal of approximately 8,000 in Bitcoin as well as 56,000 in Eth, as noted in the restructuring proposal.

Because of the respective downturn, the trading and lending sections of Babel Finance were incapable of dealing with the margin calls made by the counterparties. The proposal categorized the single failing point as the inability of the Proprietary Trading group external to the usual business of the firm while otherwise, it has been operating very smoothly with adequate control and organization. It also disclosed that the venue’s Proprietary Trading group runs many Trading Accounts that are not observed or managed on the behalf of the Trading Section.

Hence, no risk controls or trading mandate was employed on the above-mentioned accounts, and no losses or profits were reported in their case. The directions given by the proprietary trading group of Babel were not backed by any of the term sheets, therefore could not get documented within the system. The wallet management group of Plus issued their funds’ uncapped amount to trading accounts that were run on the behalf of its proprietary trading group.

Tether Comes as a Saviour for Babel Finance

Such a case has formerly been witnessed in 2020’s October when the leaked recordings signified that the funds of the consumers were leveraged by the platform to elevate their trading in Bitcoin and eventually they experienced likely default hazards during a market collapse. At the moment, Tether moved forward to assist Babel Finance, as the recordings put it. In this way, the company would get some additional time to enhance its collateral.